Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Mosquito Net | Royal Sentry AlphaCypermethrin


The best defense for people living in malaria-prone areas against contracting the disease is to sleep under a Royal Sentry® long-lasting insecticide treated net (LLIN). Royal Sentry® is an extra strong, extra durable, ready-to-use mosquito bed net made from high density polyethylene (HDPE) monofilament yarn that incorporates alpha-cypermethrin, a safe and effective insecticide.

Royal Sentry® LLIN products provide up to 5 years of continuous malaria protection and offers the most economical choice among all LLIN products. Royal Sentry® LLIN products provide 30+ wash durability and regain full efficacy within 24 hours of washing. Unlike some other HDPE LLINs, no special heat treatment is required to stimulate regeneration of active insecticide.


Royal Sentry®Long Lasting Insecticidal Net Performance Specifications

Disease Control Technologies (DCT) Royal Sentry ® brand of LLIN products are manufactured according to specification 454/LN/2. This specification results in the strongest and most durable LLIN product because of both its physical and chemical properties including:

  • Royal Sentry® brand of Long-lasting insecticide treated net products are made from 100% high density polyethylene (composition ISO1833: 1977) offering both value and ultra high performance for malaria prevention.
  • Royal Sentry® brand of LLIN are constructed of 150 denier monofilament yarn (ISO 8388: 1998) incorporating technical grade alpha-cypermethrin complying with requirements of specification 454/TC (April 2006).
  • Royal Sentry® LLINs contain 6.5 times the standard ITN dose of alpha-cypermethrin (content of 5.8 g/kg or 261 mg/m²) that is fully incorporated into the polymer structure of the bed net. This provides a chemical reservoir that yields industry leading wash retention, storage stability and biological efficacy.
  • Family (160cm x 180cm x 150cm)


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